
Hello and welcome!

This is a post to commemorate my revised version of this site. To tell the truth, I have been doubting with the works I have in my archive. I even thought of deleting this site and stop writing altogether since I felt insufficient. But I decided against it and just keep believing in one’s self. This is site is also a form of my self healing from my everyday struggles in pursuit to become a storyteller.

My huge gratitude to all for spending time for visiting and browsing through my works. Here, I will share most of my personal fictional tales (stories that I like to daydream about). Many will be new viewers, so I’m hoping to getting to know one another and perhaps becoming good friends (if possible lol).

I must also apologize for the lack of inconsistent posting since there is no fix schedule of when I would update. I only do so whenever I have time and feel confident on sharing newer things to my viewers. I cannot guarantee any routine but I will try my utmost ability to post whenever possible. Here’s to hoping to a stronger determination to improve further on anything I do on this site.

Alright! That’s everything so far! Welcome! And let’s set off to fictional world with me!

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